Q: After data has been collected, what is important when processing the OEE data?
Process data fast!
The collected data must be processed before the next shift commences. Ideally, this is done by someone who is closely involved with the process but who still has an overview of the various process steps, such as a line manager or department manager.
Role Team-leader
A team-leader usually has a line or series of machines in his span of control. He has the overview of this section of the factory. Ideally he oversees a part of the value-chain: he sees how a problem in the beginning of the process influences the rest of the process.
This makes him the ideal partner to establish the communication between several parties:
- Operators collect the data
- Team-leader reviews the data
- Team-leader processes/aggregates the data; makes the ready to be used for feedback
In order to be able to do so:
Does he have access to the data at the end of the shift? Or even before?
Can he easily verify the correctness of the data?
- And can he generate readable charts and reports?
In other words:
Can he provide the operators and technical department staff members daily feedback?
Can he inform management about progress and the need for support?
OEE data processing must generate maximum information
using a minimum registration burden.
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