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7. How to determine ‚quality‘ in recycling‘?

recyclingQ: Can we establish a quality rate in our recycling process?

We recycle scrap materials and hence we can’t reject any material in the value stream. Availability and Productivity can be measured but Quality Factor can not, as being a recycler we must process all sorts of materials. So in this scenario, how can we take Quality Factor in OEE calculation?

Arno Koch •  Any process has input and output. In between is the conversion, the value creation arises from input to output.

You tell me the INPUT is diverse. But OEE always looks at EFFECTIVENESS, hence it looks at the OUTPUT side.

I assume your output needs to meet criteria like: [All iron removed], [all PP (PolyPropylen) sorted out], [wood and stone sorted].

Now it is clear; when you allow max. 4% PE in the sorted PP, and the sorting process gives 6% PE in your PP, that would be rejected; thus qualityrate of OEE goes down.

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