Arno Koch • Below find some excel examples for the OEE form as described in the book “OEE for the production team“.
Download the excel OEE Registration Form, adapt it to suite your needs and start registering!
OEE Registration Form – Front side
The front side contains all the information to calculate the availability.
Do not define more activities than will fit on this sheet of paper; it will add no value. Although it should be almost self-explaining, you may want to use the book “OEE for the productionteam” if you need mare information.
Basic OEE form in Excel (front)
OEE Registration Form – Back Side
On the back side, all data about ‘output’ is being collected. Keep it Speedy and Simple (KISS)! and make sure the team calculates its OEE at each shift ending!

Basic OEE form in excel (back)
Download Excel OEE Registration Form
OEE Definitions
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