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2. What are the categories of time within the availability of OEE?

Q: What categories (types) of time should we define within the availability of OEE (and OOE, TEEP)?

Categorizing time

To calculate the ‘availability‘ of the equipment, time is categorized in the following types:

  1. Is the equipment running? Something is coming out?
  2. If not:
    1. Was it broken down, was there a technical failure to the equipment?
    2. Was there an organizational reason why it did not run; it was technically ok, but had to wait anyway?
    3. Was there a logistical reason why it stopped?
      Line Restraint
    4. Was it taken out of service during normal shift operation?
    5. Was it not scheduled to run at all? No shift planned?
      Not Scheduled

The goal is: To categorize events according to its major-loss type.

A machine is running
when there is output,
regardless of the quantity or quality


For more detailed definitions see:

Availibiliy Definitions of the OEE Industry Standard

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