Dr. Horst Grothus

Pure chances control your quality - right?
Unexpected, accidental, unforeseen, surprising, unique events hamper your effectiveness. You only know for sure: the next incident is already lurking.



[Download of detailed Systen description]

[Eliminate the real root causes of all defects]

[Pure chances control your quality - right?]
[History doesn't always tell you where to watch out]
[Analyze the character of you quality defects]
[Permanent failures plus momentary faults simultaneously]
[Fault trees unmask the mechanism behind defects]

[Systemize the root causes of your quality defects

[Six Sigma = Measuring quality quantitavely]

[Many different promises to achieve improvements]

[Re-active evolution to Zero Defect Management]
[You cannot predict results from linear actions]
[Here you see what to improve with your organization]

[Proper plant design is not meant just to produce repairs]
[Your Maintenance policy might be entirely wrong] 

[Don't take deterioration and defects for granted]
[Defects; permissible, detectable, controllable?]
[Just these few components may detteriorate repeatedly] 

[Just tell me your problems- I may help you - free!]
[Publications and support for Zero Defects Management]

[About myself]

Dr. Horst Grothus, Wettring 4,
D-46284 Dorsten/Germany
Tel: +49 (0)2362-61144,
Fax: +49 (0)2362-699497

Click here for contacting me!

Download of Detailed System Description  (If you have not yet installed Acrobat Reader, first download now)

All kinds of losses from quality defects:

  • breakdowns of your processes resulting from
    • defects and deterioration of plant components
    • faulty operating procedures of operators
    • substandard capacities of materials fed into your processes
    • faulty reactions of products within their process
  • reduction of output
  • missing personnel, material, tools, documents
  • exceeding time required for setting-up and changing tools and dies
  • accidents of your personnel and other persons
  • substandard deterioration and defects at your plant components
  • quality defects of your products, costumer’s complaints
  • psychic damage to personnel
  • damage to your company’s image
  • damage to the environment

They occur

They develop

Their cause: Basic Risk Factors

  • increasing the risks of deficiencies and faults, which again provoke other incidents
  • existing  permanently
  • in the entire organization
  • having been produced by faulty (or missing) Management decisions, that again can only be corrected by Management

The Risk Profile of your organization tells you, where to interfere

Tell me when I may help you, if you want to learn

  • how many Loss Events occur in your organization Chronically and Sporadically
  • which Basic Risk Factors dominate in your organization
  • how you can eliminate them and thus achieve Zero Errors and Faults
