Sporadic Losses vs Chronic Losses

History doesn’t always shows future

Repetitive or single and solitary?
Individually predictable or incidental?
Similar or different?
Inevitable or accidental?

 – vital for your prevention policy –

Chronic Losses – Sporadic Losses

Chronic Losses
(at “weak components”)
1/3 of all Loss Events *
Sporadic Losses
2/3 of all Loss Events *
  • at the same spot (component, product etc.)
  • with the same symptom
  • regularly
  • always at a different spot
  • with different symptoms
  • completely irregularly
are being triggered
  • by one single latent failure or fault,
  • working permanently, frequently being technical, however also
  • never by only one single fault, effecting on just the object failing, but
by several different faults
working possibly just occasionally at the same moment
being frequently non-technical
to be defined by Basic Risk Factor
are to be controlled
by eliminating these Basic Risk Factors
  • and by eliminating this one single failure or fault, working at only this object

* These proportions are frequently to be found with plant defects in production plants.

The relation of the number of chronic to the number of sporadic defects depends on the following factors:

  • With respect to the kinds of defects triggered by plant deterioration: When a plant handles much abrasive material (i.e. ores, sand, coal etc.) those short-life components in direct contact with this abrasive material will rather frequently wear out and thus push up the number of chronic defects. – Only these defects with their respective kinds of defects must be accepted. 
  • All other kinds of defects (i.e. in-admissable defects, all interruptions and process failures (including those ones that are caused by admissable and in-admissable defects); Accidents, damage to the environment and the company’s image; quality defects and costumer’s complaints) might repetitively occur shortly after  putting into operation of new plant or a new operation (“infant mortality”). However, within the very first years of operation their causes should have been eliminated; and then the proportion  of chronic quality defects should definitely be less than a third.

How is the situation in your organization?

If you want to find out about the proportion of Chronic and Sporadic Losses, check the structure of quality defects.